Little Testy Test

But for poops and's the link.
Actually, I'm sure if I tried hard enough, it would be simply enough to figure it out but really, I think I'm just fine with starting anew. I'm very thankful for my time in Turkey and what God taught me there but maybe it's time for something new...and better writing. (Kind of embarrassing to go back and read that guys were awfully kind for sticking it out.)
Anyhow, some of my family members told me it would be a good idea to keep a blog of my experiences as a caseworker. I don't think that's a bad idea per se...but I'm still a little fuzzy on the whole confidentially issue.
All the same, I thought I might give it a shot because life is going to start looking pretty different from here on out and maybe having a creative outlet of some sorts will be handy? Maybe not. I guess we'll see. Who wants to bet this will be my only entry...ever. Ha.
So, I read this book called 1,000 Gifts by Ann something or another (I'm too lazy to look it up...and also, I'm lying. I didn't finish the book because her writing style made me grumpy.) But BASICALLY, she challenged herself to make a list of 1,000 gifts...things she was grateful for, big and small, easy and hard. I started out doing that very enthusiastically and am now struggling since I've hit 500. I'm learning thankfulness is a discipline and I deeply desire for God to grow me in it. Hence the name of the blog.
It just kind of came to me...mostly because this was kind of a spur of the moment thing I'm using to procrastinate my Sunday homework. A sitting on my porch during the first day that feels like Fall could definitely make it only my Gifts List. So I thought it was fitting.
This is probably enough for now. I mostly wanted to see if I knew how to use this thing. Blogspot has gotten way fancier since I last attempted it.
Talk to you soon...or maybe not.
Love always,
PS I would LOVE it if someone would tell me how to make the white highlight behind my text go away.
Photo: Things to add to my Gifts List:
-A beautiful fall day
-Lindy's fall Yankee candle fetish
-The way she sneaks giraffe mugs into our collection (this is my latest discovery)
-My back porch that makes me feel like I'm in a treehouse
-The tea Susan, a friend of our family, so thoughtfully sent me with my London surprises (perhaps she noticed how much Lindy and I partook of it during our European adventures)
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